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康考迪亚大学欧文分校是南加州最优秀的音乐学习中心之一. 作为一个音乐专业的学生, 这里只是你将有机会体验到的许多好处中的一些:

  • 卓越的教学、练习和排练设施
  • 由世界上最重要的录音室设计师John Storyk设计的录音室
  • 温室面积小,有合作的气氛
  • 老师们每天都在你身边,全力支持你的成功
  • Curriculum that maximizes your musical and intellectual growth – emphasizing expertise in a wide range of music knowledge and music making

音乐系培养学生以有意义的方式改善他们的社区, 美丽的, 以及教化音乐活动. This is accomplished through coursework designed to develop broadly-skilled musicians and frequent public per为mances in different contexts, 尤其是在我们的音乐可以帮助分享基督教信仰的地方.




音乐教育: 当地公立学区, 远近的路德教会学校都在争夺菲律宾十大网赌网站的音乐专业毕业生, 作为一年级Faculty,谁以准备充分而闻名. Students who matriculate into the School of Education teaching credential program are connected with the best teachers in our area schools 为 student teaching, which builds networking opportunities 为 full-time employment once students complete their credential.

教堂音乐: Churches across the nation vie 为 music graduates from Concordia because they are extremely versatile as organists, 合唱团/手铃董事, 表扬乐队领导, 儿童音乐Faculty, 崇拜规划者, 以及部门领导. The learning atmosphere and Christian community at Concordia is very conducive to producing some of the best church music leaders in the nation.

商业音乐: Concordia University is known as a place where graduates are prepared 为 the diverse skill sets required in the music industry, and it is one of a limited set of universities that has exceptional recording studio facilities comparable to the best in the industry.

性能: 康科迪亚的表演专业经常被全国最好的研究生院录取. 最近的成功包括在波士顿音乐学院获得竖琴研究学位, 在加州州立大学长滩分校演奏单簧管, 在雷德兰兹大学的小号表演, 以及华盛顿大学的管风琴演奏.

成分: 康科迪亚的表演专业经常被全国最好的研究生院录取. Recent successes include enrollment and degrees in the highly selective doctorate program in composition at UCLA, 在加州州立大学富勒顿分校攻读硕士学位, CSULB, 和佛蒙特美术学院.


有关康考迪亚大学欧文分校音乐专业的更多信息, 我们邀请您直接与我们联系.


(949) 214-3419

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